Phone Number
Phone: +241 11 76 26 13
Phone: +241 11 77 77 74
Our Address
Registered office: Siège Social à 714 Avenue du Colonel Parant
P.O. Box: 2241 Libreville (Gabon)
Email Address
Find a Branch or ATM
BICIG Centre-ville (Siège social)
(Français) 714, Avenue du Colonel Parant
Our branch
BICIG Centre-ville (Siège social)
Location : (Français) 714, Avenue du Colonel Parant
GPS coordinates : 0.394053, 9.446240
BICIG Prestige
Our branch
BICIG Prestige
Location :
GPS coordinates : 0.394053, 9.446240
BICIG de Louis
Our branch
BICIG de Louis
Location :
GPS coordinates : 0.412676, 9.432044
BICIG 9 étages
Our branch
BICIG 9 étages
Location :
GPS coordinates : 0.394928, 9.446431
BICIG Oloumi
Our branch
BICIG Oloumi
Location :
GPS coordinates : 0.3741324245792976, 9.464044655757755
Our branch
Location :
GPS coordinates : 0.40183887103871846, 9.437581396492053
GAB Géant Casino
Our branch
GAB Géant Casino
Location :
GPS coordinates : 0.4068924851682491, 9.437055809984297
Do you have any questions or suggestions? Feel free to contact us. You can call us, write to us, or schedule an appointment with one of our advisors. We are here to help you and meet all your banking needs.